I have got a real estate website. Am I doing online marketing?


Probably the answer is “No”.

Having your own website means that you work on the sector, however you are not the only one! Nowadays 95% of real estate agencies have a website and most of the real estate transactions (buying, selling and renting) are done online.

You are probably tired about the look of your website and you don’t find it as appealing as you once did! It’s normal. Three years online seem like three days! Everything changes extremely quickly and you need to pay attention to the new online trends. Your website is the front door of your real estate agency, your welcome card. It’s time for you to know other options and to increase your online visibility.

Having your own website is just the first step to do online marketing!

What are the following steps?
Promote the webpage and dialogue with the clients.
When you ask a real estate professional who works in the field for more than 20 years “How do you close most of your deals?”, he will answer: “By chatting with clients!”
The same thing happens online: you need to chat with all potential clients, in other words, your website visitors.

-By promoting your website and inviting visitors to go there (on social media, on your business cards and on reference real estate portals, etc);
-By creating a blog where you can post all the news about the real estate sector, as well as the events you do;
-By playing an active role on social media;
-By registering your clients’ preferences and contacting them when a possible opportunity comes up;
-By doing email marketing campaigns to promote your company and your properties;
-By doing all of this as a lifestyle and permanent work!

What about the results?
You’ll get lots of inquires, your notoriety will increase and you’ll save money on advertisement to invest it on profitable options. Take advantage of being one of the few real estate agencies to do it, because soon most of them will do it and it’ll become increasingly difficult to stand out.