How to be on the first pages of Google using SEO – part I


Market research is one of the key aspects to be considered when talking about website optimization. Understanding customers, their researches and then identifying the keywords that characterize that interest are crucial issues.

If you haven’t made this research yet, Google Trends should be your starting point.

Before we tell you how you should optimize your website in terms of SEO, you need to understand that these types of strategies will not guarantee more conversions by themselves. SEO is one of the starting points of your strategy. Together with this, you should create mechanisms that catch the interest of those who visit your website and who end up subscribing your newsletter, requesting information about a property, filling up enquires, among others.

Now, more than ever before, Google understands SEO techniques as a way to give relevant and unique content to the user. In the past, you only needed a few keywords for your property to be well positioned. That is no longer possible today and, in many cases, Google will penalize those who do it repeatedly.

How do we get around to it?

Starting by the Homepage, there are 3 very important aspects that you should pay close attention:

1. Title of the website - 66-character limit  

You should configure the SEO plugin on your eGO. This way, you will be able to position your website in the best possible way for the keywords of your business. For example: real estate.

2. Keywords  

(Real estate, Homes, Houses, Land, Real estate agency ‘your area’)

The keywords you enter on eGO must be separated by commas (,)

Note: if you sell a lot in a specific area, for example London, you can enter keywords like: ‘apartment for sale in London’ or ‘villa for sale in London’, or even the neighbourhood.

3. Description – 155-character limit

In order to get more visibility, try to make a description that fills only 2 rows. Use keywords that get people to click on the link, for example: contact our team. You can also type your phone number.

You should use keywords in the description, for example: Real estate, Apartment, Lisbon.

Here is an example of a description you can use:

“We are a London Real Estate Agency with over 25 years of experience. The house of your dreams is just a click away, Visit us! “

Read the second part of this article

By: Rui Patarrana