I don’t have any photos of the property. What should I do?


You don’t have any photos of the property, yet?
Don’t put the property online until you have them.

There is so much information online that you only have a few seconds to catch the clients’ attention. If they are searching for properties online and your property doesn’t have any picture/photo, there is nothing for them to see. Clients will end up skipping to the next property and will probably never go back because they will prefer the properties that have already got photos.

What to do?
Good quality photos, showing both the property and its details, keep clients interested and may even lead them to request a visit. On the other hand, if a client visits a property and becomes interested in it and later on goes online to check it again and sees poor quality photos, he might easily go back in the decision to buy and/or rent it.

Be careful!
When you place a property in the market, you are competing against several other agents. If your competitor’s properties have appealing and bright photos and yours don’t, clients will not choose yours. It will also be more difficult for you to close deals because your properties are not highlighted.